Friday, February 27, 2015

Flower Essences for the Animals in Our Lives

      The holistic approach to health, disease and healing is based on the concept of perfect unity of all things, and the utter uniqueness of every system contained within it.
      Flower essences are herbal infusions acting on the body's inner health and harmony.  They are highly effective, non-toxic herbal preparations made from wild flowers.  Flower essences are 100% safe and widely available.  They do not contain material doses of plant chemicals and can be used alongside any form of medication without any risk of adverse interactions.   Animals respond well to them, sometimes showing signs of improvement within minutes.  Their purpose is mainly in helping to heal negative emotional states and moods that cause suffering, or are the result of suffering.  These states include emotions like sadness and despair, fear and anxiety, hostility and defensiveness, and the effects of emotional trauma past and present. Bringing balance in these areas is a major factor in developing our pets' sound mind and body health.

     Living beings are very much energetic in nature.  Every molecule of a living organism vibrates at a particular electromagnetic frequency, and has a very real, yet unseen, bio-electrical field, which surrounds, penetrates and permeates the physical body.
     Energy underlies and dictates all physical relationships between thing, and is crucial to the existence and stability of matter.  What we sense with our five physical senses and feel with our our emotional capacity, is a reflection, a by-product of an unseen energy realm.  By activating positive energy, flower essences can have a dramatic effect on the immune system.  They are not intended to be used instead of consulting a vet when your pet is ill but rather to balance out disharmony that can lead to an illness or which are triggered by illness.  
     Once the state of mind becomes stable, the body's ability to heal itself improves and the illness can be healed more easily and more rapidly.  Flower essences regulate negative vibrations and produce a harmonious balance.  If a situation arises in which a pet needs to be calmed - for example, following a shock, a negative experience or because of deep-rooted psychological disturbances - giving the correct combination of flower remedies can be invaluable.  Anxiety and aggression can be eliminated, self-confidence can be re-established and symptoms of shock involving feelings of grief or jealousy can be alleviated.  

     My knowledge and training of this healing system is based upon the research and wisdom of Dr. Edward Bach, who is credited as its creator. I have used, with marked success, flower essence remedies on horses, dogs, cats, birds and, at one time, an iguana!  Each animal I worked with exhibited either anxiety, apathy, fear, restlessness, stress, depression or grief and after treatments were noticeably more psychologically balanced and engaged with their life, activities and work.