Monday, March 30, 2015

Agrimony for Cats

Agrimonia eupatoria - Agrimony can help any cat suffering from outside stressful influences and combines well with two particular flower remedies; Impatiens and Walnut.
The combination of these three flower essences can be very helpful to ease the stress of temporary situations like confinement while traveling or transporting, kenneling, quarantine or when being introduced to a new home.

Alone, Agrimony helps our feline companions handle the sometimes problematic human world.  Cats are very affected if they live in an environment of perpetual conflict filled with shouting, arguing and upheaval.  If unable to distance themselves physically, they will try to keep out of the way while waiting for calm to return.  When this cycle repeats, cats will develop chronic stress, which may present itself in nervousness, confusion and even depression.

I am aware of cases where the use of Agrimony has lessened chronic licking and biting from flea reactions, settled the endlessly pacing animal, improved the recovery time of slow healing wounds and reduced noise sensitivity.

4 drops, 4 times daily

Friday, March 27, 2015



Possibly the most well known Bach Flower Remedy is the Five Flower/Rescue Remedy.  This effective combination is intended for all emergency situations such as shock following accident or injury, bee stings, tic bites, collapse, severe fright and other instances of acute fear such as noise sensitivity.  It is a blend of Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum and Impatiens, all capable in their unique ways of significantly reducing the psychological distress of traumatic or emergency incident.  Readily available in health and nutritional markets as well as many grocery stores, Rescue Remedy is an effective "go to" blend and I recommend keeping a bottle handy at all times - carry it with you, toss a bottle in your back pack or saddle bag, should the need arise,
you will be grateful that you did.

    Dosage recommendations:

Dogs and Cats - in acute or extreme instances -  
 4 drops four times an hour until the situation has improved -
In other circumstances, a total of 16 drops per day which may be divided evenly into 2 or 4 administrations of 4-8 drops

Foals and Ponies - 6-8 drops four times daily
Large horses - 8-10 drops four times daily
In acute or extreme instances, administer 8 drops four times an hour 
until the situation has improved


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cherry Plum Flower Essence for Horses

As I exercise my dogs this time of year, I cannot help noticing all the trees, plants and flowers preparing to burst open sharing their joy and stories.  This is a time of new beginnings - when better to review and adjust our own healthy lifestyle plan as well as that of our beloved working and companion animals. Through my next several posts, I will share knowledge and application of Bach Flower Remedies in the hopes that you look seriously at their implementation as a tool for your supporting your pets' needs.

Prunus Cerasifera, cherry plum, is the right flower for horses who have had an accident or a similar frightening experience, for mares following a stillbirth as well as for foals who have been separated from their mother too early.  Their life force seems diminished and the animals are often highly-strung and tense.  

Cherry Plum, the flower of composure, helps to promote inner peace.  The horse becomes more balanced and the violent outbursts are not as strong or even disappear altogether.  Horses that need Cherry Plum are under a great deal of pressure from within and are prone to temperamental outbursts. Suppressed fears can suddenly burst forth in a violent manner:  the horses in question are unpredictable and can be dangerous in this panic attack state.

Some behaviors that are positively influenced by Cherry Plum include:

Aggression towards other horses
Viciousness (i.e. during grooming)
Muscular tension
Excessive protectiveness
Sudden temperamental outbursts
Trembling with tension and agitation
After traumatic experiences (accident, shock)

Dosage and Dispensing 

You will need:  pure or filtered water (do not use alcohol, vinegar or sparkling water), a 20 ml or 
30 ml dark glass bottle with a dropper lid or pipette, the concentrate of the selected flower essence.

If you are using one flower remedy, add two drops of the concentrate for every 10 ml of water. When blending more than one flower add three drops of each flower to 30 ml of water.  Store the bottles should be stored at room temperature, away from light and kept away from electrical appliances such as computers, microwaves, cell phones and televisions.  Properly stored, your mixture (and the original concentrate) have a long expiration time of a year or more.

Bach Flower Remedies work on energy not by means of prescribed methods.  Higher doses do not have a greater effect than the quantities recommended. Since the essences are absorbed most efficently through the mucous membranes of the mouth, please note:

*  Do not give your pet the flower remedies with food or water but instead, place directly in the mouth or on a piece of apple, carrot or dry treat
*  Administer the dosage before feeding times
*  If your pet is receiving any other treatment (homeopathic medication or other) leave a gap of 15-20 minutes between the two

Initially intense physical or psychological reactions to the remedies MAY occur. Though this is not the usual case, it is important that I share the existence of the possibility. This is a positive sign that the energetic qualities of the remedy is in action.  First reactions may include a need for more sleep, restlessness or a lack of interest in normal activities.  In extremely rare circumstance, diarrhea is present.  These effects pass very quickly (usually within 1-2 hours) and give way to effective healing.Of course, if any physical response or change concerns you, notify your veterinarian.  

Basic Dosage Guidelines for Horses

Foals and Ponies   2-3 times daily, 2-5 drops
Large Horses   2-3 times daily, 5-8 drops

As symptoms fade, do not abruptly stop administering the flower essence, instead, gradually reduce the amount given.  For example, if you are giving 5 drops twice daily, reduce it to 4 drops twice daily for the next two days and then reduce it to 3 drops twice daily for two days, 
then  2 drops twice daily for the final two days.