Monday, October 3, 2016

Homeopathic Remedies for the Equine Digestive Tract

The digestive tract is critical to a horse's well-being anf is regulated by a number of factors in the horse's life. Because most of us are unable to provide the benefits of  natural, wild, herd-based, free range feeding lifestyle for our horse we are left doing the best we can with the grasses, feeds, interactions and exercise we have available.

Nature designed the horse (and its digestive system) to function optimally as part of a herd, walking 15 hours (or more) a day, and grazing on a variety of roughage during that time. Unfortunately, and often due to urban constraints, horse life consists of confinement many hours a day, lack of social interaction and structure, little or limited exercise and processed feeds. Digestive symptoms that may occur from this lifestyle include poor eating habits, ulcers, abnormal stool (too wet or too dry) and colic. Homeopathy offers relief of symptoms for many of these conditions.

Before thinking about a homeopathic remedy, you need to asses your horse's lifestyle. How natural is it? How much stress is your horse under? What symptoms tell you that your horse is stressed? Do you notice pacing, chewing, anxious behavior, herd bound tendencies, poor appetite, or poor coat condition? Does your horse turn its emotions inward and hide them? What emotional state do you feel your horse is in - happy, content, worried, confused, depressed, aggressive, grumpy, willful, fearful, friendly - these are all words that can help define emotional and mental states that will help decide what homeopathic remedy to pick.

What is your horse's diet? A heavily grain-based diet (especially sweet feeds) will aggravate the gastrointestinal tract and will be an obstacle to effective remedy response. Excessive use of antibiotics will also prevent response to a remedy since the good bacteria in your horse's system has been killed. Prolonged and continued stress conditions will aggravate gastrointestinal issues such as ulcers. If the stress (extended confinement, showing every weekend, irregular feed times, minimal turnout, etc) continues, the likelihood of curing your horse's ulcers with homeopathic remedies is very small. Under these circumstances, you would see better results from continual feeding of herbal supplements.
Generally, most equine digestive disorders are chronic in nature and benefit most from a full constitutional assessment by a homeopathic veterinarian who takes a complete case history then matches a specific remedy to the horse.
Following is a basic materia medica or symptoms (for two common equine digestive issues) that may fit different remedies. If you chose to try one, and it does not work, do not keep giving other remedies in hopes they will work, contact a professional for assistance..
A great first aid kit for acute colic can be put together and kept in every barn. Homeopathic remedies in their original packages keep for several years, so you do not have to worry about them going bad. I would get all the remedies in a 30C potency and use 6-8 of the little tablets per dose. In a colic situation, the first thing to do is to take 4 drops of Rescue Remedy, then give 10-12 drops to your horse. Rescue remedy calms both of you. Next call your veterinarian. If your treatment makes the horse better by the time the vet arrives, it will be good have your horse checked anyway.
Nux Vomica is the classic remedy to use in a colic situation for many different types of colic, from overeating grain or grass to an impaction. It is powerful, but will not cover up serious signs that your veterinarian may need to see. You can give one dose every 15 minutes for an hour. If there are no results, the remedy is not correct or the case is more serious than it seems.
Colocynthis is a remedy more for a gassy colic, where you can hear loud gut sounds, often without a stethoscope. Your horse may pass gas, or it may be trapped and can be quite painful. The same four doses as mentioned above can be given.
Aconite is always useful for a colic with a sudden onset, especially if there is cold or windy weather blowing in.
Along with the remedies, I recommend that a high quality probiotic be given. A liquid fermented product is often easier to give and has a better shelf life than powdered versions (ex: ProBi –Advanced Biological Concepts). In an emergency, any probiotic will help, even 6-12 human probiotic capsules can be given.
The horse’s personality plays a very important role in selecting remedies for ulcers. Since this is a chronic condition, a single dose of the remedy is given, or two doses on one day. Then you need to wait about 2-3 weeks for the remedy to take effect. Sometimes the result is slow to happen, but gradually you see your horse happier and more comfortable. Before you decide the remedy is not working, really think about any changes you have seen and keep a notebook with a daily journal.
Nux Vomica is useful for horses who have a “Type A” personality, like to work and tend to have a bit of a temper. When these horses are hurting, they get very unpleasant. It is also very good for horses who have had a lot of drugs, and many of he horses off the racetrack.
Arsenicum Alb is a remedy that fits horses with more fear in their personality, also those that are finicky about their stalls, like things neat and orderly. They may tend towards loose stool.
Phosphorus horses tend to be friendly, happy horses, but can be sensitive to noises and a bit fearful.
Lycopodium horses may get stressed easily, have a bit of diarrhea, gas or watery stool when stressed or anticipating stress.