Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Natural First Aid Kit for Your Pets

We strongly suggest having a first aid kit, stocked and handy, for your pets. For those that want to take a natural approach, there are herbal and homeopathic remedies to consider adding to your kit that can help with concerns such as cuts, burns, insect bites, nausea and stress.

Homeopathy embraces the notion that the body can heal itself and the symptoms are a sign that the body is in a state of repair attempting to restore its own health. Homeopathic remedies can even be administered along with traditional treatments for better results.

Here are some basic homeopathic and herbal remedies every natural first-aid it should contain. Always consult your veterinarian before administering any new remedy to your pets.

ARNICA is a useful addition because it not only relieves pain, it also reduces associated swelling in cases of bruises and muscle strains.

When using arnica pellets, use 30c and give two every four hours for two days, then two pellets three times a day.

CALENDULA OFFICINALIS is considered to be a versatile herbal remedy. It can be applied as a tea or ointment on wounds, cuts, abrasions, rashes and insect bites. It speeds the healing process, decreases pain and inflammation and due to its antimicrobial properties, decreases infection.

To treat a wound, mix 6 drops of calendula tincture in two tablespoons of water. Apply to the wound and cover it with a gauze wrap. This will help reduce pain while you seek assistance from your vet.

Calendula 6x can be given orally. One tablet (pellet) fed twice daily can help control overgrowth of yeast in the bowel and help the healing process after a bout of colitis.

NETTLE LEAF OIL is one of the simplest remedies for insect bites and stings. Rub one drop directly onto the bite or sting area to bring quick relief. If swelling is present, you can apply an ice pack (use a towel between your pet's body and the ice) and remember to remove it every 3 - 5 minutes before replacing it again. This will help prevent tissue damage from direct cold temperatures.

ALOE VERA cannot be beat when it comes to treating burns and wounds. It is soothing and cooling and improves circulation in the affected area. Aloe contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which support efficient healing.

Purchase an organic gel with no preservatives, sweeteners or flavorings that is suitable for human consumption. Ingesting large amounts of aloe can cause tummy upsets so after topical application, monitor your pets so they do not lick the area too much.

CHAMOMILE or PEPPERMINT TEA can be given to cats or dogs that have been nauseous or experienced diarrhea. I have noticed improvement when giving one teaspoon at a time, every 20 - 30 minutes. Make sure the tea is room temperature or cool and does not include caffeine, sugar, honey or artificial sweetener.

SLIPPERY ELM powder is an effective remedy for diarrhea (and one that helps alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and constipation) that can be purchased at many co-ops and health stores. Mix one teaspoon of the powder with one cup warm water, then give your pet one teaspoon per 20 lbs of body weight, three times a day.

Bach's RESCUE REMEDY is great to use at the time of trauma, vet visits, in new environments and during thunderstorms. A few drops in your pet's mouth or water bowl (or on food) will help them handle and process stressful situations.

Take time and make a few preparations now to reduce the stress of urgent situations should they arise and keep your pet as comfortable as possible while seeking veterinarian aid.

All of the herbal and homeopathic advice shared in our blog is based upon our personal use and experience. 
It is not intended to replace veterinarian consultation, care or guidance.