Thursday, May 2, 2019

Purrfect Catscape

Spring is full swing and summer is within sight. There is nothing better than making the most of the  season by gardening with your cat. What a purrfect time to plan and plant a fun and safe garden for your feline friends!

The style of garden you decide to design will drive the type of reaction you get from your cat. Planting a classic garden with rows of cat-safe plants in a small area may have your friend walking through them and perhaps catching naps. If you incorporate potted plants, shelves, scratch posts,  chairs and fences your cat may be encouraged to roam and play. Cats are natural prowlers, so they will love a garden where they can stalk, jump and act out their natural instincts.

A good mix of big plants, pots and wooden structures gives cats exactly what they want -- shade on the hot days and sun on the cooler days. The more interesting you make your garden, the more fun they will have. Designing areas that your cat will enjoy also enhances the overall beauty and dynamic of your garden. 

Create a fun adventure playground for your cat. Cats love to climb and will use almost anything for a scratching post. To protect your trees, try installing vertical logs or 2x4's of varying heights for your cat to climb on and scratch (wrap these with sisel rope for bonus points). Try adding a fence,  cat tree or shelf somewhere in your garden because elevation is exactly what our feline companions want. Cats love to climb and watch over their world, so think about including such vantage points for them to enjoy.
Cat toys aren't only for in the house! Attach toys to pieces of yarn or twine and hang them, at varying heights, around the garden. When breezes blow their movement will entice your cat to chase them and play.

 Make sure that your cat always has access to a fresh clean water source. A solar powered fountain can provide this while adding a charming touch to your garden.

When it comes to populating your garden, cat-safe plants include heather, sunflower, bamboo, rose, violet, lavender and snapdragon. Herbs that are safe (and beneficial) for your cat include parsley, sage, mint, dill, rosemary, cilantro, tarragon and basil. We all know that cats go crazy for catnip. This plant is a member of the mint family and contains an essential oil that has a euphoric effect on cats.

Though this list is not complete, some plants to avoid using in your garden or home include; lilies, peony, foxglove, buttercup, mistletoe, holly, rhododendron and wisteria. Also, do not use cocoa bean mulches as they are highly poisonous to both cats and dogs.

AVOID CHEMICALS! I cannot stress this enough! Pesticides, slug bait, rodent bait, weed killers, lawn fertilizers -- these products are TOXIC TO ANIMALS and harmful for the environment. Take the time to research and USE ORGANIC ALTERNATIVES!

Cats are territorial and the presence of other cats in the garden can be a source of conflict. They may even deter your cat from enjoying his own garden. If your garden or yard is fenced, installing a plastic mesh at the top will deter other cat's from entering and yours from leaving.

By utilizing your imagination and taking a few health considerations into account, you and your feline buddy will enjoy many hours of garden happiness together.