Thursday, May 2, 2013

K9 Heat Exhaustion

    Recognize the Signs of Heat Exhaustion in Your Dog

Dogs suffering from heat stroke will normally exhibit some or all of the following symptoms:
• Restlessness
• Panting
• Increased respiratory rate
• Increased heart rate
• Excess salivation
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
As the symptoms progress and the dog’s body temperature increases, signs become even more serious.
• Weakness
• Staggering
• Gasping
• Gum color may become brick red, then purple or blue (cyanosis)
• Seizures
• Coma
• Death

Treatment of Heat Exhaustion
If you believe your dog is suffering from heat exhaustion, seek veterinary care immediately even if your dog’s condition does not seem serious. Cool water can be used to begin to decrease his body temperature during the trip to the veterinarian. Towels can be soaked in cool water and used to cover your dog. You can also place the towels between his legs and across his neck. Do not use cold water or ice. This may make the situation worse.

Preventing Heat Exhaustion
In many cases, heat exhaustion is preventable.
Never leave your dog untended in your car, even if the temperature is mild. In a locked car, the temperature can climb rapidly to a dangerous level. A cracked window will not prevent your dog from overheating and suffering heat stroke. Never assume your pet will be okay in the car for “just a minute” while you run into the store or attend another errand. An unexpected delay could endanger your dog’s life!
• Animals should have access to shade and fresh water while outdoors. If the temperature is very warm, outdoor access should be limited to short periods of time and the dog should be housed indoors.
If your dog is working in warm weather, be prepared to offer him water at regular intervals and understand that he may drink more water than usual under these circumstances.
• Use caution with dogs that are obese, have respiratory difficulties, are geriatric or are otherwise unhealthy. These dogs may be more prone to heat exhaustion than other dogs.
• In addition, short-nosed (brachycephalic) breeds of dogs are at higher risk of heat exhaustion than other breeds.

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