Thursday, April 2, 2015

Elm flower essence for Dogs

Ulmus procera - Elm 

Dogs can become overwhelmed and mentally taxed by too many impressions happening at once. Those that live in chaotic environments such as big cities or rescue facilities can become confused and unhappy due to sensory overload.  Though, as their guardians we must do our best to reduce the amount of stress a dog has to handle, Elm can help dogs by relaxing their minds in the midst of all the potentially troubling input.

Administering Elm over a period of time, it is also a helpful aid when socializing puppies when they are introduced for the first time to things they will have to deal with in life such as busy streets, rooms filled with people, crowded kennel or daycare situations and group training classes. As a training aid, Elm blends well with Walnut, a remedy that supports confidence and courage.

4 drops, 4 times daily

* PLEASE REMEMBER, do not administer flower essences directly from the glass dropper *

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