Saturday, April 4, 2015

Flower Essences - Length of Treatment Guidelines

    Generally speaking, Bach Flower Essence therapy should be continued for as long as your pet is showing symptoms that require treatment.  Although some long-standing challenges may require patience until desired change is noticed, the Flower Essences tend to work quickly with notable effectiveness within hours or days.  Therefore, how long you administer a particular essence may vary.  Pet guardians often continue with a chosen essence for two weeks then assess the situation and, if no change is evident, they will consult and determine which essence to administer next.  I do recommend having an outside person (preferably trained or experienced with Flower Essence use) observe the situation.  Often are not as objective as necessary when observing and reporting our findings regarding our own pets.  

    Three therapy timelines have been established:
     *  ACUTE THERAPY - This is recommended for critical and sudden displays of disturbed behavior or psychological problems, to be given for an initial period from one day up to two weeks, often with only 1 - 3 essences used
     *  LONG TERM THERAPY - The emphasis is on treating disturbances that have already been in place for a long time.  The Flower Essences are given over a period of several months or even a year.  Usually several flowers are blended and that combination should be reviewed and altered after two to four weeks to determine whether a change is necessary.  
     *  PERMANENT THERAPY  - This approach is applied when a pet shows the tendency to revert to old behavior patterns after taking the chosen essence(s).

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