Wednesday, June 3, 2015

K9 Hydration

No matter the season, water is crucial to your dog's health, during the summer months, it is even more important.  A dog's body weight is 70% water, so even a loss of only 5-10% of water means that your dog could suffer dehydration.

How much water does your dog need to drink daily?  Dogs should drink almost an equal amount of water for every calorie they consume.  In general, a healthy dog should drink 1/2 to 1 full ounce of water per pound of body weight each day.  Keep in mind that if your dog is very active or outside in the heat for an extended time, you should provide her with access to plenty of cool, fresh water and a shaded rest area.
 Dogs that are overweight can suffer more from the heat than dogs with an ideal body condition.  Carrying more weight means more stress on the dog's joints and muscles, as well as their respiratory system which they use to regulate their body temperature. Exercise and a portion controlled, balanced diet will help your dog maintain a good body condition and reduce the risk of heat stress.

Brachycephalic dog breeds such as boxers, pugs and bulldogs are especially prone to heat stress because of their facial structure affects their ability to take in air and efficiently pant to cool down, putting them at risk for overheating and respiratory distress.  Keeping these breeds in fit body condition and avoiding excessive endurance activities is crucial for their safety on hot days.

If you are exercising your dog on hot summer days, please be prepared and take extra steps to keep her hydrated.  During exercise, give your dog small amounts of water every 15-20 minutes.  Once activity has ended, do not immediately put a full water bowl down for her.  Wait until she is calm and has stopped heaving panting before allowing her to drink freely.  An overly tired and eager dog may quickly swallow large amounts of water and air which could lead to discomfort or stomach injury.

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